Strategic Corporate Communication: Core Concepts for Managing Your Career and Your Clients' Brands - Features and Benefits


Strategic Corporate Communication: Core Concepts for Managing Your Career and Your Clients’ Brands by Ross Brinkert and Lisa V. Chewning introduces readers to essential strategies in corporate communication. The book contains several pedagogical features to facilitate learning and improve the student experience.

Orienting to the Concept offers an initial frame for appreciating the relevance of the core concepts.

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Key Terms are presented in bold text throughout the book and listed at the end of every chapter, helping students build their vocabulary and knowledge of applicable approaches and concepts.

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Theory and Research Overview Sections give multiple theoretical orientations, along with select research findings to help students grasp critical concepts in reasonable detail.

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Applying the Concept to Your Own Situation Sections offer students questions, prompts, and situations to help them reflect on the significance of core concepts within the context of their own career.

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Applying the Concept to Your Work with Clients Sections demonstrate how key concepts presented can help readers’ work with other and advance the professional standing of their clients.

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Tools and Processes When Acting for Others Sections identify specific avenues for putting core concepts into practice for clients.

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Profiles of Organizational Experience describe how various organizations have applied the core concepts detailed in the text either successfully or unsuccessfully. The profiles include questions that help readers explore each organization’s case and learn from real-world situations to better serve their future clients.

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Chapter Conclusions, Discussion Questions, and Activities at the end of each chapter encourage critical thinking and reflection and stimulate class discussion.

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Informational Tables and Figures provide emphasis and detail for critical information covered throughout the book.

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If you’re interested in learning more about the book and seeing these features in action, request a digital review copy (DRC) today!