
These templated reflection activities offer a useful means of helping students prepare to read and/or reflect on a chapter or a provided reading. The pre-built exercises can be customized with your own introductory text and individual questions specific to each chapter. Students’ work may be exported as Word files for their own reference.


  • These lessons are not automatically submitted or graded. Students may export their reflections as Word files and then upload those files in separate assignments.

Chapter Introduction Questions

Use this version of the activity to preface or introduce a reading.

What you need to submit:

Activity title:

Introductory text:

Question 1:

Question 2:

Question 3 (optional):


An example of chapter reflection questions. Example question 1: What does it mean to engage in dialogue with a book or with the authors of a book? Example question 2: How do you typically think about communication? Do you usually see it as a way of sharing your ideas, or do you think of communication as a way to come up with ideas?

Activity title: Chapter 1 Introductory Questions

Introductory text: Before you begin reading this chapter, take a few moments to reflect on what you already know about this subject.

Question 1: What does it mean to engage in dialogue with a book or with the authors of a book?

Question 2: How do you typically think about communication? Do you usually see it as a way of sharing your ideas, or do you think of communication as a way to come up with ideas?