Drag and Drop (Image Based) (Graded)

Image-based drag and drop activities are useful ways to help students to categorize, compare, and differentiate among concepts or items. These exercises may be used to categorize individual images or label parts of larger graphics. Such activities could include identifying different examples of a species, components of a plant, sections of a model, or places on a map.

Multiple-Image Format

Match each of several images to the correct description or bin.


  • We recommend a minimum of two bins (categories or groups) for each activity.
  • An activity with four-plus bins may be divided into two screens when developed.
  • For multiple images, we suggest a maximum of six bins per activity and three – four items per bin.
  • Images may correspond to unique bins or be grouped in bins.

What you need to submit: 

Image log for all drag and drop activities (separate file)

Student Instruction:

Bin 1

  • Figure number from image log:
    • Alternative text for image:
  • Figure number from image log:
    • Alternative text for image:

Bin 2

  • Figure number from image log:
    • Alternative text for image:

Feedback (optional):

Activity settings (optional):

  • Indicate whether items may be dropped into any bins or only the correct bins.
  • Indicate whether students may redo the activity and/or view the solution.


Alt Text

Student Instruction: Match each picture to the ballet position it illustrates.

1st position

  • Figure number from image log: Fig. 1.1
    • Alternative text for image: Two turned-out feet in pointe shoes with the heels touching.

2nd position

  • Figure number from image log: Fig. 1.2
    • Alternative text for image: Two turned-out feet in pointe shoes with the heels separated laterally by several inches.

Feedback (optional): None

Activity settings (optional): Drop into any bin, redo possible, solution hidden