Focus on Learning Objectives and Outcomes

Learning objectives/outcomes (LOs) capture a project’s most significant areas and identify what students need to learn in each chapter. To ensure each Active Learning component provides students with valuable support, we encourage you to leverage your LOs throughout the content creation process.

To start, review each LO and consider how you plan to assess students’ proficiency in that area. Select activity types that will help students develop and display their proficiency in the content and skills described in the LOs. Consider the following:

  • Which activities will help students develop expertise in this content and/or skill? Will these activities be placed in Active Learning?
  • What graded assessment(s) will you prepare in relation to the LO? Will this/these be in Active Learning?
  • How can students study or practice in order to pass the assessment(s)? Will this practice be completed in Active Learning?

Then, as you write the activities, come back to the LOs as references. Review the main verb in each LO. Does the corresponding activity help students practice each action in relation to the topic?

Additional resource: For support articulating learning objectives and outcomes, see Editor’s Toolkit: Goals, Objectives, and Outcomes.