Feedback for Hutchinson: The Essential Counselor, 4e

Glowing Feedback for the fourth edition of David Hutchinson's The Essential Counselor: Process, Skills, and Techniques

This manual serves as tool for counselors to become better advocates for clients and employers but more importantly for self as a helping professional.”
—Dr. Irmo Marini, Professor, School of Rehabilitation, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

“The Essential Counselor is truth in advertising: a comprehensive, relatable guide to the essentials that a student studying to be a counselor needs to know—written, remarkably, with both student and teacher in mind. Filled with useful case examples and reflection questions, David Hutchinson has given a gift to the counseling field with the third edition of this text. He guides the counselor-in-training with a wise and experienced hand through all the necessary steps of providing competent, ethical counseling. The Essential Counselor also provides sage instruction on what it takes to become a competent, ethical counselor. Whether training to work in clinical mental health or school-based settings, every student will be better for having this book on their shelf.”
—John Mageary, Assistant Professor, Department Chair, Graduate Counseling and Psychology, Lesley University