Basic Psychopharmacology Principles – Features and Benefits

Basic Psychopharmacology Principles: A Quick Guide for Mental Health Professionals - Features and Benefits


Basic Psychopharmacology Principles by Kimberly Finney introduces students to basic concepts of psychopharmacology to help them develop a broad understanding of drugs and how they work in the body. The book contains several pedagogical features to facilitate learning and improve the student experience.

Learning Objectives at the beginning of each chapter set the stage for learning and prepare students to engage with new concepts and ideas.

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Discussion Questions at the end of each chapter encourage knowledge building and stimulate class discussion.

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The final chapter, Clinical Case Analysis Using a Bio-Psycho-Social-Pharmacological Model, presents fifteen detailed case studies that provide opportunities for practical application of key concepts while also adhering to an organized rubric to reinforce prior learning and establish a routine method of execution.

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Conclusions and Key Points at the end of each chapter summarize key concepts and reinforce important takeaways.

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Key Terms are identified at the end of each chapter, helping students build their vocabulary and knowledge of key concepts.

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Informational Tables and Figures provide emphasis and detail for concepts covered throughout the book.

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If you’re interested in learning more about the book and seeing these features in action, request a digital review copy today!