Child Welfare and Child Protection: An Introduction - Features and Benefits


Child Welfare and Child Protection: An Introduction prepares future child welfare professionals to tackle the complex and challenging work associated with responding to child maltreatment. The book contains several pedagogical features to facilitate learning and improve the student experience.

Case Study Vignettes provide detailed and practice-informed examples that reflect difficult and challenging problems that the practitioner will likely encounter in the field. The vignettes bring heart and life to the children who are too often trapped in the welfare system and prepare students for the realities of becoming a child protection services worker.

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Questions for Class Discussion at the end of each chapter are designed to engage group discussion and further internalize concepts presented in the chapter.

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Practice Tips provide studies with tried and tested pointers on working within the child welfare system. What differentiates this book from others in the discipline is the rich, practical experience that can be used immediately by students entering the field.

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Test Yourself Boxes are provided throughout the text to encourage critical thinking, reflection, and analysis.

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Self-Assessments for Personal Consideration encourage students to assess their views and beliefs on various topics and help them think critically about the content.

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Highlight Boxes and Informational Tables and Figures provide emphasis and detail for concepts covered throughout the book.

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The book was created with the new EPAS standards in mind and fully aligns with areas that are needed to be accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). An informational table in the front of the text details CSWE competencies and related chapters for reference.

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If you’re interested in learning more about the book and seeing these features in action, request a digital review copy today!