Communicating Finances in the Family – Features and Benefits

Communicating Finances in the Family: Talking and Taking Action - Features and Benefits


Communicating Finances in the Family: Talking and Taking Action by Roberta A. Davilla and A. Frank Thompson explores the vital relationship between communication and financial planning. The text helps students move from seeing money as a “problem” to viewing money as the “path” to achieving their financial goals. The book contains several pedagogical features to facilitate learning and improve the student experience.

Learning Objectives at the beginning of each chapter provide an overview of topics and skills and help the reader prepare to engage with new ideas.

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Case Studies with discussion questions and sample responses bring the terms and concepts discussed in each chapter to life and encourage immediate relevance and application to the reader’s life.

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Consider This sections request readers to stop and contemplate a financial situation or concept for further reflection.

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Self-Check Questions at the end of each chapter feature true/false, multiple-choice, and essay questions that reinforce the terms, definitions, and applications introduced in each chapter.

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Chapter Summaries reinforce key concepts and encourage student understanding and retention.

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Informational Tables and Figures provide emphasis and detail for concepts covered throughout the book.

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If you’re interested in learning more about the book and seeing these features in action, request a digital review copy today!