Communicating in Groups and Teams: Strategic Interactions - Features and Benefits


Communicating in Groups and Teams: Strategic Interactions explains group communication concepts through clear examples based on representative group interactions. The book contains several pedagogical features to facilitate learning and improve the student experience.

Putting the Pieces Together Boxes use the five core elements in defining a group as a framework to help students explore and evaluate group effectiveness. These elements are introduced in Chapter 2 and integrated in every chapter thereafter, helping students become more aware of how communication can inhibit or facilitate group success.

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Message and Meaning Boxes display transcripts from groups and teams that have been part of the authors’ research or transcripts that are publicly available.

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Theory Standout Boxes provide an in-depth look at group communication theories and processes introduced throughout the book.

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Skill Builders provide students an opportunity to test, develop, and practice their group communication skills through carefully crafted exercises and activities.

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Nailing It! Using Group Communication Skills for Group Presentations Sections help students apply new learnings to the development of dynamic group presentations.

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If you’re interested in learning more about the book and seeing these features in action, request a digital review copy today!