Crisis Intervention: Building Resilience in Troubled Times - Features and Benefits


Developed by a team of experts in counseling and crisis intervention, and informed by the growing body of literature documenting the resilience of individuals, families, groups, and communities, Crisis Intervention: Building Resilience in Troubled Times is rooted in an evidence-based framework that provides a clear rationale for planning successful intervention strategies. The book contains several pedagogical features to facilitate learning and improve the student experience.

Chapter Goals and Overviews highlight the important concepts and techniques that will be covered in the chapter.

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Crisis Stories in each chapter present real-world scenarios along with Reflection Questions to support personal consideration, meaningful learning, and skill development.

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Experiential Learning Activities provide opportunities for readers to actively engage with concepts and to reflect on their implications.

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Brain Bites provide a sampling of recent neuroscience findings that are especially relevant to the concepts and practices covered within the text. These small informational bites help students more easily understand the neuroscience of crisis intervention.

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Listening in on Crisis Intervention Sections give readers the opportunity to read conversations that demonstrate key techniques use with the people introduced in the Crisis Stories throughout the text. Students are invited to reflect upon the segment and then practice the application of the highlighted technique.

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If you’re interested in learning more about the book and seeing these features in action, request a digital review copy today!