Ethics and Vulnerable Elders – Features and Benefits

Ethics and Vulnerable Elders: The Quest for Individual Rights and a Just Society - Features and Benefits


Through a uniquely multidisciplinary lens, Ethics and Vulnerable Elders: The Quest for Individual Rights and a Just Society employs a highly principled approach to ethics and addresses current issues affecting vulnerable older adults. The book contains several pedagogical features to facilitate learning and improve the student experience.

Case Studies provide ample opportunities for students to draw practical connections between the material within the book and real-world scenarios.

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Discussion Questions are provided at the end of each chapter to engage students, encourage critical thinking, and stimulate class discussion.

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Keywords are identified and introduced at the beginning of each chapter, helping students build their vocabulary and knowledge of key concepts.

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Concluding Observations at the end of each chapter summarize key concepts and reinforce important takeaways.

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Highlight Boxes, Informational Tables, and Figures provide emphasis and detail for critical information covered throughout the book.

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If you’re interested in learning more about the book and seeing these features in action, request a digital review copy today!