Social Policy and Social Justice: Meeting the Challenges of a Diverse Society – Features and Benefits

Social Policy and Social Justice: Meeting the Challenges of a Diverse Society - Features and Benefits


The second edition of Social Policy and Social Justice: Meetings the Challenges of a Diverse Society is built on a clear, conceptual social justice framework and provides up-to-date analyses of contemporary social policy issues. Throughout the book are pedagogical features that encourage engagement and improve the student learning experience.

Section and Chapter Introductions highlight key themes and demonstrate how they fit within the book’s overall framework.

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Exercises throughout each chapter encourage critical thinking, reflection, and analysis.

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Discussion Questions  at the end of each chapter engage students, encourage knowledge building, and stimulate class discussion.

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Case Studies and Examples illustrate the impact of social policies, particularly on excluded and marginalized populations, and bring real-world scenarios to life.

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Updated Examples provide analysis of recent changes in the current political administration and social policy. The book integrates an analysis of these changes into each chapter with both up-to-date information and insightful interpretations of their implications by experts in the field.

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The book was created with the new Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards in mind and fully aligns with areas that are needed to be accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).

If you’re interested in learning more about the book and seeing these features in action, request a digital review copy today!