Thinking Like a Researcher: An Engaged Introduction to Communication Research Methods


Thinking Like a Researcher: An Engaged Introduction to Communication Research Methods challenges students to assume the role of a researcher to learn how to solve problems and analyze relevant, real-world situations. The book contains several pedagogical features to facilitate learning and improve the student experience.

An Introduction for the Student Section at the beginning of the book prepares students to engage with new concepts and ideas.

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Readers Response Boxes ask students to fill in the blanks, provide responses, and guess at the answer to a question. These prompts keep the student engaged in the material and in most cases, reinforce the idea that the practice of doing research is fairly intuitive once you are thinking like a researcher.

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Key Point Boxes highlight important concepts and techniques covered in each chapter.

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Your Turn Sections represent engaging and interactive opportunities for students to practice what they’ve learned in the chapter and develop a real research project over the course of the book.

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Writing the Report Sections provide examples of how to write effective and informative research reports.

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Chapter Wrap-UpsKey Chapter Concepts, and Other Applications Sections at the end of each chapter reinforce key concepts and encourage student understanding and retention.

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Highlight BoxesInformational Tables, and Figures provide emphasis and detail for concepts covered throughout the book.

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If you’re interested in learning more about the book and seeing these features in action, request a digital review copy today!