Your image log is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that tracks the sources of all your selected images. You may download the spreadsheet here: The Cognella licensing team will use the log to verify your sources and create credit lines, and our editorial team will use it to download high-resolution versions of the images you have selected. The production team will use the log to verify all images are accounted for, as well as their placement or special instructions, when it comes time to produce your Active Learning content.
It is easiest to work on the image log while you are making your image selections. Fill in the source information as you go rather than trying to remember later where you found each image. If you wait until after you have delivered your Active Learning files to begin drafting your image log, it could delay the start of your Active Learning content, because we cannot move forward with publication without a confirmed source for every image. If you hold off on recording your images’ source information and are unable to re-locate the image and its source, the image would need to be replaced or removed.
Separate Image Logs
Please track images in a separate image log for each type of activity. For example, create one image log for skill-builders and a different image log for quizzes.
Naming an Image Log
When naming an image log, include the author’s last name, the type of activity, note that the file is an image log, and include the date. If you receive the log back you may notice that the log will be renamed with your project number and a version number. You can update this version number as you submit new versions of the image log or your project editor will do so.
Rajan_Quizzes_Image Log_1-15-2021
The image log includes columns for each specific type of source information needed. The blue rows at the top serve as examples and show you how to fill in the document. Below these examples in the white rows are where you can begin adding images for your book. Complete a single row for each image you include, following the instructions below.
In Column A, add the chapter number of your Active Learning content in which the image will appear.
In Column B, assign the image a figure number. (Note: Figures are numbered using two digits: one for the chapter and one for the figure. For example, the second image in chapter 4 will be Figure 4.2. We ask that you note this as “Fig. 4.2” in the log.)
In Column C, enter a title for the image.
In Column D, include the source information.
- If the image is from a website, add the URL to the exact image page that includes the image and details (e.g.,, not the general Wikimedia Commons homepage).
- If the image is from a printed source, provide the book or journal title.
In Column E, provide the copyright year of the original source.
In Column F, add the author or photographer name.
In Column G, include the page number for a printed source. (Note: This refers to the page number where the image was in the original source, not the page number of your manuscript where you intend to insert it. That means you would add the page number from the book, journal, or other printed source in which the image originally appeared. If the image is from a website or other non-paginated source, leave this column blank.)
In Column H, leave any special notes you have for your project editor about the specific image (e.g., cropping instructions).
Do not add, delete, or adjust rows or columns in the provided Excel spreadsheet. Simply add the information prompted in each column to create the log. Any changes made to the sheet’s formatting will result in a technical error within the file.