Below are examples of the prompts and stems in use for both a unit/chapter/topic introduction and an introduction to a reading.
Brief Example of Prompts in a Chapter Introduction
In Chapter 1: What Is Supply Chain Management?, readers will learn the basics of managing a supply chain. Supply chain management refers to …, which is an important part of …. By understanding this you will better be able to …. The reading selections in Chapter 1 will examine the following things: (topic), (topic), and (topic).
Brief Example of Prompts Used in an Introduction to a Reading
In his article (name of article), (name of author) explores (topic). Written in (year), the article explains …. The author’s perspective/point of view is that …. The article was chosen for inclusion in this anthology because …. This will help you see how …. After reading (name of article), you will have a better understanding of ….
Putting the Two Together
In Chapter 1: What is Supply Chain Management?, readers will learn the basics of managing a supply chain. Supply chain management refers to …, which is an important part of …. By understanding this you will better be able to …. The reading selections in Chapter 1 will examine the following things: (topic), (topic), and (topic).
In his article (name of article), (name of author) explores (topic). Written in (year), the article explains …. The author’s perspective/point of view is that … The article was chosen for inclusion in this anthology because …. This will help you see how …. After reading (name of article), you will have a better understanding of ….