Complex quizzes are assignments that contain random variables. Assignment settings include the options to apply point deductions for incorrect answers or allow additional attempts with new variables.
Creating Complex Quizzes
To develop the complex quizzes, submit questions along with the formulas needed to solve them in a Word document. Our internal team will set everything up online, and then you will be able to review and proof.
Reminder: Working with Special Characters
Before developing any questions or formulas that contain special characters—such as fractions, Greek letters, or subscript/superscript—please see Quick Guide: Using LaTeX for Cognella Active Learning.
1. At the beginning of your document, indicate any standard settings you would like to apply to the quizzes, such as:
- Point deductions for incorrect answers
- Allowing two or three attempts with the same variables
- Allowing additional attempts with new variables
2. Write out the questions with variables indicated by curly brackets, as follows:
Suppose you are presented with an investment opportunity in which you are promised to receive equally sized monthly payments of ${a} each month, for {b} months, beginning in one month. You want to determine how much you should pay for the investment today in order to earn {c}% per month on your investment. How much should you pay today?
3. Below the question, for each variable, please indicate the following:
- Minimum value
- Maximum value
- The number of decimal places for that variable
- Answer settings:
- The formula used to solve problem
- Tolerance amount (±)
- Answer display (decimals or significant figures and how many)
- Unit handling (optional):
- Choose one: units are not used, units are optional, units must be given
- Indicate unit(s) to be accepted and, if necessary, their multipliers (e.g., metric conversion)
- Note: Include all variables in the question within the answer formula.
4. Use LaTeX to present special characters in the questions and formulas.