Examples of Common Feedback
To help you prepare for what to expect, we’ve outlined some of the most common types of feedback by type of book.
Originally Written Works
- The book can use more citations.
- The book can cite more timely material or the information cited is obsolete or incorrect now.
- There are other sources that provide relevant, alternative perspectives that should be cited and are not currently cited.
Sensitive Language
- The way information is presented/the language being used is not academically neutral.
- Terminology used is outdated or no longer considered appropriate.
Pedagogical Elements
- The book needs more figures/imagery or more relevant figures/imagery.
- The book would benefit from some exercises or interactive learning activities.
- Objectives/outcomes, key terms, and/or discussion questions should be added.
Organization and Topics
- The book is too long or there is too much material to cover in one semester.
- There is too much theory. There needs to be more practical examples or exercises.
- The order of topics does not align with the reviewer’s own course.
- A topic area that should be standard for the discipline needs to be added.
Anthologies of Previously Published Third-Party Content
- “I like the content, but would have personally organized it like this…”
- Some units/chapters have several readings while others have only one or two readings.
- The content is too advanced or not appropriate for the intended audience.
- There are alternative readings that would be more effective.
- The unit/chapter/reading introductions are too brief and need elaboration to more adequately provide context.
- The unit/chapter/reading introductions are too long/detailed and detract from student focus on reading the material and interpreting it for themselves.
- The pre/post-reading questions are too easy or do not inspire reflection/discussion/critical thinking.
- The pre/post-reading questions are too difficult for the intended audience or they do not connect to the readings in any way.
- The readings do not reflect diversity in authorship or sources.
Contributed Volumes
- There are inconsistencies in voice between units/chapters.
- Some units/chapters are much longer or shorter than others.
- Some units/chapters are suitable for the intended audience while one or the others are not.
- Pedagogical elements (i.e., key terms, objectives, questions) are not consistent between units/chapters.