This text offers a variety of impactful features including ETHICAL QUESTIONS, CONNECT & REFLECT, and LIVE IT LOCAL boxes to further engage students and embed interactivity in the textbook. Learn more about how these features can help your students below.
Explore the Unique Features in Communicate, Connect, Collaborate: An Introduction to Human Communication by Stephanie J. Coopman and Joy L. Hart
Ethical Questions
Underscoring the importance of usability or application, ETHICAL QUESTIONS boxes provide brief scenarios to give students opportunities for reflection on and discussion of ethical issues specific to the various areas of the field. Reflecting on ethical issues alongside chapter concepts increases relevance and connections. Rather than relegating ethics to a separate chapter, this approach encourages students to consider ethical questions in tandem with chapter information and examples.
Connect & Reflect
CONNECT & REFLECT boxes build on participation and collaboration in communication, presenting in-class activities that can be completed online or in-person that apply the text’s content. Across the chapters, the CONNECT & REFLECT opportunities fuel consideration of a range of topics. They encourage deeper thinking, reinforce key ideas, and provide flexibility for students and instructors alike.
Live It Local
LIVE IT LOCAL boxes suggest ways students can apply concepts in the various communities in which they participate. Highlighting service learning, the student-scholar, and community engagement, LIVE IT LOCAL boxes connect each chapter’s content with strategies for applying course concepts in community-related activities. When students live it local, they collaborate with their local communities, expanding their connections as well as enhancing their knowledge. This feature encourages students to find their voice and visualize the impact they can have on their various communities.