Quick Guide: Games – Page 6


In this game, students make progress across a quest board by rolling a virtual dice and answering questions correctly. For each correct answer, they gain one of four thematically related objects; they need all four objects to complete the quest.

What you need to submit: 

For each game:

  • Selected game variety: Quest
  • Activity title
  • Activity instructions: [State the problem.] Your mission is to….
  • List of four objects to collect in the game
  • Corresponding images of the four objects
    • Note if you’d like our team to try and source these images, or
    • Provide an image log with an option for each object
  • 26 multiple-choice or true/false questions, formatted according to the Test Bank Development Guide



This image shows the User Interface of Cognella's Active Learning Quest activity.

This image shows the User Interface of Cognella's Active Learning Quest activity. The instructions read: Collect all four items by the time you land on the last square and win the game. The items: a circle, a spade, a sun, a clove. Roll the dice to move through the board. There are two types of squares--question squares and wild card squares

This image shows the User Interface of Cognella's Active Learning Quest activity. This shows the board, with the roll dice button and view items button.