Quick Guide: Writing Equations

Any project that contains equations can introduce additional complications during Cognella’s editorial development and production processes. We ask authors write equations using one of two methods shown below because of the complex nature of this content. This request helps us reduce the inclusion of errors, as our team typically does not include subject matter experts in STEM disciplines.

How to Use LaTeX

Cognella recommends using LaTeX to write equations whenever possible. Please see the following resources for additional support when working with LaTeX.

Quick Guide: Using LaTeX for Cognella Active Learning

Quick Guide: Creating a Manuscript with LaTeX

Wiris LaTeX Converter

How to Use Word's Equation Editor

If you don’t feel comfortable working in LaTeX, then Cognella recommends using Word’s Equation Editor. Please see the following resources for additional support when working with Word’s Equation Editor.

Microsoft 365: How to use Word’s Equation Editor 

Microsoft 365: Write an equation or formula

Microsoft 365: Insert built-in equation

Microsoft 365: Write new equation

Microsoft 365: Edit equations

Microsoft 365: Write an equation or formula: Ink Equations