Puntos de encuentro: A Cross-Cultural Approach to Advanced Spanish – Features and Benefits

Puntos de encuentro: A Cross-Cultural Approach to Advanced Spanish - Features and Benefits


The second edition of Puntos de encuentro: A Cross-Cultural Approach to Advanced Spanish is an innovative task- and content-based textbooks that re-envisions advanced Spanish instruction. The book contains several distinct and unique pedagogical features to facilitate learning and improve the student experience.

Chapter Objectives and Outlines at the beginning of each chapter set the stage for learning and prepare students to engage with new concepts and ideas.

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Reflexiones Lingüísticas are awareness raising tasks that help students make connections between forms, meaning, and use.

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Comprensión questions target knowledge and inspire greater levels of comprehension competence. Through video or textual input, students observe, recall, and acquire knowledge regarding major ideas, dates, places, or events.

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Pensamiento crítico exercises increase cross-cultural reflection and awareness through the examination of historical, societal, political, or cultural aspects that students can relate to their own culture.

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Debates give students the opportunity to work collaboratively to plan and develop supporting arguments to defend a common position while engaging in an organized, extended interaction.

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Case Studies provide a framework for students to use Spanish to explore a solution to a complex problem. This activity promotes high-level critical thinking skills in a content-specific language course.

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If you’re interested in learning more about the book and seeing these features in action, request a digital review copy (DRC) today!