
Below are examples of objectives and outcomes for some Cognella projects.

Example #1

These objectives and outcomes were developed for a remedial writing text at a community college.


In this unit students will learn about:

  • basic punctuation types including the period, question mark, and exclamation point
  • declarative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences
  • audience and purpose in writing


By the end of the chapter students will be able to:

  • identify and produce the three main sentence types
  • punctuate each type of sentence correctly
  • recognize the audience and purpose of a piece of writing
  • articulate the audience and purpose of a piece of their own writing
  • use the main sentence types to write a paragraph for a specific audience and for a specific purpose

Example #2

These were developed for a text on portfolio preparation for students applying to graduate programs or internships in pharmacology.


In this chapter students will learn:

  • how to develop a portfolio of their work
  • how to differentiate between a resume and a curriculum vitae
  • what features are included in portfolios, resumes, and curricula vita
  • the potential benefits of joining a professional society


By the end of the chapter students will be able to:

  • identify the elements they wish to include in their portfolios
  • draft a resume
  • draft a curriculum vitae
  • identify three professional development opportunities in which they are interested
  • know how to access professional development opportunities in which they are interested