Subscribe to the Leadership’s 4th Evolution YouTube Channel for the all the latest news regarding interviews, presentations, and the latest press for author Edward Marshall and the book Leadership’s 4th Evolution.
Visit Edward Marshall’s Amazon author page to learn more about his work and his publications.
Listen to Edward Marshall and Jim Rembach’s conversation on the Fast Leader Show podcast titled “What is Collaborative Leadership and How to Apply it in Customer Experience?”
Read the article “What is the ‘New Normal’ for the Workplace?” on the Collaborative Leadership Blog, in which Dr. Marshall speaks to the future of the workplace and why leadership and collaboration are paramount for what’s next.
Read the Inc. article “8 Signs to Quickly Recognize If You Have the Gift of Leadership” in which Marcel Schwantes references Leadership’s 4th Evolution: Collaborative Leadership for the 21st Century and Edward Marshall’s eight key strategies for collaborative leadership.
Read an excerpt from Leadership’s 4th Evolution: Collaboration for the 21st Century titled “5 Benefits of the Leadership Journey” on Skip Prichard’s website and blog.
Read the article “This Is Just a Dress Rehearsal for What is Next” on the Collaborative Leadership Blog, in which Dr. Marshall purports that extraordinary and global leadership is more important than ever for us to face existential crises like the COVID-19 pandemic and the threats of climate change.
Listen to Dr. Edward Marshall on Episode 242 of the Remarkable Leadership Podcast hosted by Kevin Eikenberry.
Listen to Eric Dye’s interview of Dr. Edward Marshall on the Enterprise Podcast Network.
Read the article “What Is The ‘New Normal’ For The Workplace?” by Dr. Edward Marshall in HR Strategy and Planning Excellence.
Read the article “Leaders Who Want To Become Collaborative: The Six Steps” by Dr. Edward Marshall in the November 2020 issue of Leadership Excellence.
Watch the video by Salma Moncayo-Reyes, one of Edward Marshall’s former students, to learn how Leadership’s 4th Evolution has fostered her understanding of collaborative leadership.
Listen to Edward Marshall’s interview on Chaos Corral, a podcast that shares how to create authentic leadership and high-performing teams.
Listen to Edward Marshall’s segment on School for Startups Radio, a program in which host Jim Beach interviews successful and notable entrepreneurs and authors. In the interview, Dr. Marshall provides overviews of the first three paradigms of leadership and purports the importance of a new fourth paradigm of leadership – collaboration.
Read Edward Marshall’s article “What it takes to become a collaborative leader” in Chief Learning Officer. In the article, Dr. Marshall speaks to the steps involved in the collaborative leadership journey, the challenges a leader will face as they traverse through them, and the incredible benefits of leading through collaboration.
Read Edward Marshall’s article “It Takes Only One: The Leaders’ COVID Moral Choice,” in which he discusses the moral decisions facing leaders in the time of the coronavirus.
Watch a recording of an online conversation about the survival of businesses during the time of COVID-19 and the importance of innovative leadership, featuring author Edward Marshall and in collaboration with the North Carolina Chinese Business Association.
Listen to Edward Marshall’s interview with Michael Levitt on the Breakfast Leadership Show podcast:
Read Edward Marshall’s article “A Call for Sanity: 7 Key Distinctions, 20th vs 21st Century Leadership” in which he purports the urgent need for a new paradigm of leadership and collaboration.
Watch Cognella CEO Bassim Hamadeh speak to Edward Marshall’s students about real-world leadership and collaboration in light of COVID-19.
Watch a Graduate Student Conversation with Dr. Edward Marshall, during which Dr. Marshall and a panel of graduate students discuss the leadership model critical for tomorrow’s leaders and the value of the methodology found in the textbook Leadership’s 4th Evolution: Collaboration for the 21st Century.
Read the article “American Ubuntu? ‘Me’ vs. ‘We'” by Edward Marshall, in which he discusses the need for collaborative national leadership to cultivate a sense of collective responsibility in the wake of COVID-19 and other global challenges.
Read the article “How Covid-19 Is Transforming Our Leadership: 4 Workplace Trends” by Edward Marshall.
Watch a recording of the online conversation “A Transformative Moment: Collaborative Leadership in a Time of Turmoil,” featuring author Edward Marshall and in collaboration with Duke University and the Triangle Organizational Development Network.