Additional Tips to Keep in Mind

Writing for Random Order

Structure answer choices to enable effective randomization options.

  • Instead of “both C & D,” write “both kinetic energy and potential energy.”
  • Instead of “all of the above,” consider “all of these.”

Preparing Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

We recommend limiting options to one fill-in-the-blank item per question. Multiple fill-in-the-blanks have a stronger likelihood of error. Consider if the student will be able to type in the response exactly as the right answer. Provide additional acceptable answers that you anticipate a student might provide and write clear instructions.

  • Example: moon, the moon, Moons.

True or False

True or false questions often do not measure a student’s competency in a meaningful way. Use this question type sparingly to ensure your quiz provides students the best opportunity to assess their skills.

Provide Samples

Send your Active Learning editor a sample of around two chapters to make sure you can receive feedback on quiz quality and formatting before completing all quizzes or exams.