Step 3: Write an Appropriate Description, cont.

Example 3: A Photograph Provided for an Aesthetic Purpose

Your book includes the following photograph. It is a book on child development, and the photograph is provided in a chapter on early childhood. The photograph is provided, uncaptioned, in the margin for aesthetic purposes.

A photo.

Source: Copyright © 2020 Depositphotos/

Your complete alt text reads:

Short alt text: A photo of children playing.


Example 4: A Photograph Provided for an Educational Purpose

Your book includes the following photograph. It is a book on child development, and the photograph is provided in a chapter on early childhood development. Surrounding text describes the development of language, and the caption describes how children will mimic communication styles they see from adult caretakers.

A photo.

Source: Copyright © 2020 Depositphotos/

You could begin your alt text with:

Short alt text: A photo of two children.

Long alt text: One holds a toy phone to their ear, while the other sits nearby and watches. [Additional details on what the specific facial expressions, body language, or depicted interaction indicates could follow.]