Anatomical Drawing

An anatomical drawing of an ear with parts labeled.

Figure 2.4. The cochlear nerve is located in the inner ear.

Short alt text: An anatomical drawing of an ear with parts labeled.

Long alt text: The drawing displays the components of the ear from left to right: pinna, outer ear, ear canal, temporal bone, eardrum, middle ear, ossicles, malleus, incus, tympanic cavity, stapes, inner ear, semicircular canal, labyrinth, oval window, vestibule, round window, eustachian tube, cochlea, vestibular nerve, cochlear nerve, internal auditory meatus, and vestibulocochlear nerve. The cochlear nerve is one of the innermost parts, extending further inward from the cochlea at the front of the inner ear.


Editor’s Tip

Notice how we only describe positioning of the cochlear nerve, as that was mentioned in the caption and is the focus of the image. The caption and surrounding text will indicate if the full diagram needs to be described or only part.

Flow Chart

A flow chart.

Figure 8.1. Procedure for accident investigation and reporting

Short alt text: A flow chart.

Long alt text: The investigation starts, then they prepare the investigation team. Next, they establish facts on what happened, and then they identify immediate causes. Next, they identify underlying causes. They then identify remedial actions. After that, they create an investigation report. Finally, they follow up.


Editor’s Tip

Notice how we do not describe the physical appearance of the chart, as the importance is not in the structure but rather in that steps follow a sequence.

Chemical Diagram

A chemical diagram.

Figure 1.12. Ammonia

Short alt text: A chemical diagram.

Long alt text: Three Hs are connected to a single N at the center with a double dot above the N.


Editor’s Tip

Notice how we do not want to define what is meant by the symbols, as that would provide an advantage over students not relying on the alt text.